The first article talks about the rookie rivalry between RG3 and "R
Dubb 3" (russell (R) Wilson (Dubb for the W) 3 (third round draft pick).
Both have amazing stats and now it's the game they go head to head.
In the second article I found it talks about how drafting Russell Wilson
for the Seahawks would drive the writer mad. He feels that the Seahawks
are always "experimenting" with quarterbacks and it never gets them
anywhere. Russell Wilson is "too short," "can't see over the line," and
how there is no other quarterback in the league at 5' 11."
In my third article it talks about the different options to "reduce
carnage" in attacks such as the Sandy Hook travesty. One comment was to
reduce the size of magazines that can be bought for the gun, for example
a ten round clip instead of a thirty.
The fourth article I found talks about the "original intent" of the
founding fathers when they created the ten amendment rights. They
discuss how the founding fathers could have never predicted the weapons
we have today and that the 2nd amendment is talking about "A well
regulated Militia" not about the individual.
The final article I found talks about the antitrust case against google and it's alleged monopolistic search engine.